How we got our name: Mírame Boutique Room

How we got our name: Mírame Boutique Room

Mírame began as Descendencia Latina. From the beginning, this store has been proud to be Latin-run, driven and influenced. Our main mission is inclusivity, that no matter where you come from you feel welcome to express yourself. We want to highlight and encourage the use of traditional latin styles in modern ways of Fashion, flare and identity. We want all of us to show up wherever we go the way we want to be seen.

The name Mírame was inspired by myself, Elizabeth Sanchez.

I am a Mexican woman born in Torreón, Coahuila, Mexico that grew up in Colorado from the age of 6. I grew up in a very traditional Mexican household and the oldest of three sisters. I was a low-income kid with good grades and a family that made sure all three of us always had everything we needed and I am extremely grateful for that.

Fashion wasn't necessarily something I knew of in my early years. I never imagined owning a clothing store. I wasn't a fashionista. I still don't think I am but ever since the first time I met Ariana, the previous owner of Descendencia Latina, and spoke to her about the business I started to fall in love with the concept. I envisioned a store with a beautiful, empowered and celebratory community around it. I saw the items she had on the site and I saw me, I saw the items speak my language and wear my identity and I knew, I just knew I could do so much with it. 

I thought of the lack of businesses speaking to Hispanics and Latines, especially in Colorado, and I knew I had to bring the website and the store back alive. I wanted it to soothe and bring my inner cultura out to the surface so that not only could I say where I come from but so that I could wear it on a daily basis. I realized most of us have lived under the shadows of fear, shame and assimilation long enough. I know we are in the middle of a major transformation where we are showing up to work in places where we hadn't seen enough people of our color, heritage, patrias, raices or cultura before. We are showing up to parties in rooms where nobody looks like us, we are showing up for us, for ours and for the future. We are showing up to stand out, to be seen not to hide. That is how I stumbled upon the name. We are finally welcoming ourselves and owning this country as our own as well. We are from here and from there. We are here and we are showing up so look at me, Mírame as I am. 


***Mírame = Look at me in Spanish

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